Take your time.
On Halloween morning, I thought my eyes were playing a trick when I spotted the most delightful treat.
I was admiring the vibrant fall colors through our kitchen window when I noticed a white blob obscuring my view. My eyes focused.
The "blob" was a stunning rose in full, brilliant bloom. On October 31!
I shrieked in delight, dropped the dish I was washing, and dashed outside with my phone to capture the beauty. The sight of this Late Bloomer completely captivated me.
Admiring the photos I'd taken, I whispered, "Lord, I feel like a Late Bloomer sometimes."
Without missing a beat, the Spirit whispered back, "Take your time."
These gentle words startled me. I knew they weren't from my own subconscious because I rarely take my time. I'm a mover and a shaker. A figure-it-out-now-rather-than-later-er. In the words of my close friends, I have "no chill."
My brain is a whirling mass of thoughts like:
I should have crossed more off my to-do list this weekend.
I should have spoken to/texted/called/written to _______ .
I should have paid more toward my student loans this month.
I should probably start my Master's degree soon.
I should be married by now... or at least DATING!
I should have met my health goals already.
I should, should, should, should should...
I feel my best when I'm making BIG MOVES and crushing BIG GOALS. The events of the last year have slowed me down. While I've been thankful for the space to breathe, I've also experienced increased anxiety due to the setbacks of time and opportunities lost. I'm thankful for a God who loves me enough to quiet my soul and remind me of these truths:
1. I'm still unfolding
2. I still have time.
As I reflected on the words, "Take your time," I recalled one of my favorite scriptures:
"He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end." -Ecclesiastes 3:11
This is a lovely scripture to put on a decorative plate or pillow. It's also a bit of a pill to swallow!
Beauty unfolds on God's timeline- not mine. This means "it" will possibly take longer than I want. Yuck. This also means there will be dead ends, delays, and detours along the way. Extra yuck.
I've walked in faith long enough to know: an agonizing season of waiting becomes breathtakingly beautiful the moment a promise is fulfilled. AND, the dead ends, delays, and detours give greater appreciation for the destination upon arrival. Yet, sometimes I allow "hustle" culture and my own driven nature to foster discontent in my spirit.
Sometimes I just forget how good God is at being God. When I want a highly-detailed, step-by-step , every-moment-accounted-for itinerary of the journey, He offers Himself. First and Last. Alpha and Omega. Beginning and End. He asks, "Why worry about figuring out beginning from end, when I've given you eternity?"
A few weeks before publishing the blog, I learned two of my very best friends are on the beautiful journey of becoming first-time moms. I was and am OVERJOYED! They're going to be the BEST moms.
Then, I had this thought: "My friends are creating life... and I'm creating blog posts."
I laughed... and then I cried (just a little bit). This isn't where I thought I would or should be at this point.
God is forming life in my friends. Life with ten tiny toes and ten tiny fingers and squishy cheeks, and rolls upon rolls upon rolls. Beautiful, purposeful life.
God is forming life in me in a different way. Life in sentences and paragraphs and graphic illustrations. Life in hours of study, research, and writing. A different kind of beautiful, purposeful life.
When I try to compare their season to mine, I rob myself of the beauty and enjoyment I can experience by living in mine and loving them in theirs. There is so much splendor to behold RIGHT HERE- in my own life and in the lives of my friends.
The beauty of my Halloween Rose was not diminished by its proximity to the showy Fall foliage. They weren't trying to compete. They were flourishing in their own ways at the appointed time. As I reflect, I realize the contrast between them actually made the sight all the more captivating.
I am a Late Bloomer in some ways. Still, I believe my life is unfolding exactly as it should. I'm rooted in rich soil, well-watered, and basking in the most glorious Light. With these favorable conditions, there isn't anything to stop me from blooming.
For the ones who identify as a Late Bloomer --- For the ones who think, "I've missed it" or, "I'm too late" ---For the ones who are unable to reconcile where you're at and where you think you should be-- Take your time. Take your time. Take your time. Dig deep. Drink up. Reach for the Light. Rest assured, the One who does all things well is unfolding incomparable beauty in you. There is so much goodness for you, RIGHT HERE!
As I was writing this post, I was reminded of the song "Glorious Unfolding" by Steven Curtis Chapman. It's a great song to add to your playlist if you need a reminder to "Take your time" a bit more often.
Thanks for the encouraging words, Alaina! Especially from those of us whose lives have not followed the perceived ‘traditional’ path. It is good to be reminded that God has a perfect plan — and perfect timing — for each of our lives.